20. Why should I not just organise the viewings myself?
In their advertisements and communications, many internet real estate agents say that you can easily organise viewings of your property yourself. We must be honest: of course, it is not difficult to open your front door and allow your house to be viewed. However, this has significant disadvantages in practice.
Firstly, there is currently very little supply and enormous demand in Amsterdam. Your house could easily attract more than sixty interested parties. You might get lucky and sell your house after three viewings. But viewings can sometimes go on for months. By the way, it is best to receive potential buyers during the day, not at night. That’s because it’s harder to appreciate your house’s features in the dark. We have the time and experience to effectively host a large number of viewings and to ensure they produce the best possible offers.
It is important that potential buyers do not experience any obstacles when they view your house – we mean this primarily figuratively. They must feel free to talk about possibly negative aspects of the house, open cupboards and ask questions. Viewers often feel less comfortable if the owner is present. This doesn’t make it easier to sell the house. That’s why we handle viewings for you. Finally, it can also be difficult for you. As the seller, you often have an emotional connection with your home. This emotion can affect your choices. Certainly during negotiations. We work in your interests and always maintain a rational perspective.